Portable Capture without foundation. The bird trapping done by portable capture system requires no manual or remote enclosure. Birds, cross the entrance doors and they can’t get out any more.
The tagging through wing tagging is very simple and effective with this trap. The assemblage is done in an hour and a half. All of it is easily to be transported in the top of a SUV . This system puts an end to the long and fruitless waiting that were made near the trap to operate the locking system. With Màquia’s portable capture system, the ornithologist can calmly wait, check the trap in a prudential time and immediately he can proceed to the animal tagging with wing tags or rings.
Product: Portable selective Trap
Reference: Ref.Parany Gyps 1
Target Species: Griffon Vulture
Sides: Fixed panels
Roof: 10cm Lighty nylon
Fixation: Adapted systems to different substrates and earrings
Surface: 40 m2 aprox.
Capacity: 25 birds aprox.
Dimensions: 5,2 x 7,8 m.
Locking system: Auto locking swing doors
Assembly time: 90 min aprox.