Adapted Systems for the Tagging of Wildlife

Màquia Serveis Ambientals, pioneer in the design, testing and manufacture of flexible devices specially adapted for tagging of wildlife within the different works of research, study and preservation of wildlife. Our product line includes equipment and accessories for the correct management and also the most appropriate recollection systems for each species.

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    Bird Wing Tags
    These wing tags gather of the advantages of the traditionally wing tags employed Read more
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    Interdigital Tags for Pinnipeds
    Our brands are manufactured with flexible plastic sheets and are equipped with high durability in the hard marine conditions. Read more
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    Vertebral Tags
    Our vertebral tags of high durability fix with an adhesive to the vertebral plate of sea turtles, tortoises and other chelonians Read more
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    Portable Capture
    Portable capture without foundation. The bird trapping done by portable capture system requires no manual or remote enclosure. Birds, cross the entrance doors and they cant get out any more. Read more
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    Ear tags
    Our ear tags are made using plastic sheeting from the designs, shapes and colours recommended by the specialists of each species.Read more
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    Dorsal Taggings
    Our dorsal tags are made of flexible plastic sheets and are equipped with high durability for the hard marine conditions. Read more

Vertebral Tags


Our vertebral tags of high durability fix with an adhesive to the vertebral plate of sea turtles, tortoises and other chelonians, allowing the remote identification of species in different studies and conservation projects.

Our vertebral tags are made of flexible plastic sheets and are equipped with high durability for the hard environmental conditions. A big range of sizes allows the use in any species, from the big marine chelonians to the freshwater turtle’s species.

tortugaMàquia has models suitable for mounting on the waterline, in the bony plates of crocodiles and alligators, allowing the identification and monitoring even inside the water.

If you have any questions please contact us, as Màquia does not only offers you advice, but it also puts you in touch with those customers with whom you can share experiences and ask your doubts.